Inglês, perguntado por ae2759959, 2 meses atrás

a alternativa que completa as frases corretamente com os verbos no passado.

1. Yesterday, I _______ to the hospital. (go)

2. My grandparents _______ me last week. (visit)

3. Last weekend, my brother _______ an email to his friend. (write)

4. We _______ any computer games last night. (not play)

A) went – visited – wrote – didn’t play.
B) go – visited – wrote – played.
C) gone – did visit – written – not played.
D) went – did visited – write – didn’t played.

me ajudem​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por giovannehaddadp796zw
went, visited, wrote, didn’t play

A resposta correta é a letra A.

ingridsilva2007i: certeza?
Respondido por SarahMharia
1-Yesterday,I went to the hospital.
2-My grandparents visited me last week.
3-Last weekend,my brother wrote an e-mail to his friend.
4-We didn’t play any computer games last night.

I hope it helps
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