Inglês, perguntado por rosaliasoares4321, 1 ano atrás

7) Reescreva as frases substituindo as palavras em negrito pelo subject pronoun
Ex Larissa is dancing. (Larissa é substantivo feminino, o subject pronoun correto e
She is dancing
a) Peter is working.
b) The dog (o cachorro) is sleeping
c) Paul and Mike bought a new house
d) Marcos and I traveled last week
e) The cat (o gato) is outside.
Suellen came to visit me.
e) Chris and Pietro will buy a new house,
8) Marque a opção que apresenta a substituição correta das palavras em negrit
1. Bruno is watching TV
a) he
b) we
c) it​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carolribeiromarques2


a) he is working

b) it is sleeping

c) they bought a new house

d) We traveled last week

e) it is outside

e) they will buy a new house

8) eu nao entendi bem qual seria a palavra em negrito ^^"

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