Inglês, perguntado por matheusbloodborne, 8 meses atrás

7 - I will reduce the anxiety ... *

10 pontos

a) if they know what to do

b) if she will get tips about how to keep calm

c) if I practice exercises.

d) if you would feel empowered

Americanah [...] People were flattered to be asked about themselves and if she said nothing after they spoke, it made them say more. They were conditioned to fill silences. If they asked what she did, she would say vaguely, "I write a lifestyle blog" because saying " I write an anonymous blog called Roceteenth or Various Observations. About American Blocks [Those Formerly known as Negroes] by a Non American Black" would make them unconfortable. She had said it, Though, a few times. Once to a dreadlocked white man who sat next to her on the train, his hair like old twine ropes that ended in a blond fuzz. his tattered shirt worn with enough piety to convince her that he was a social warrior and might make a good guest blogger. "Race is totally overtyped these days, black people need to get over themselves, it's all about class now, the haves and the have-nots "he told her evenly, and she used it as the opening sentence of a post titled "Not All Dreadlocked White American Guys Are Down.

8 - The main caracter's of the text Gender *

10 pontos

a) male

b) Female

c) gay

d) The text doesn't mention

9 - Em: "If I have money , I give you " a situação exposta é: *

10 pontos

a) um fato

b) uma hipótese possível

c) uma hipótese impossível.

d) um desejo.

10 - Qual das alternativas completa corretamente a frase: If I made a surprise...

10 pontos

a)I will be emotioned

b)I would be emotioned

c) I am emotioned

d) I were emotioned

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sugamark8


7 - I will reduce the anxiety ... *  

c) if I practice exercises.

8 - The main caracter's of the text Gender *

b) Female

9 - Em: "If I have money, I give you " a situação exposta é: *

b) uma hipótese possível

10 - Qual das alternativas completa corretamente a frase:

If I made a surprise...  

c) I would be emotioned


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