Inglês, perguntado por Thayna0107, 1 ano atrás

5 Frases contaveis e 5 incontaveis (em inglês)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por derekfonseca
I have a lot of books to read
I don't have many shirts to wear in winter
There aren't many cars on the street as it's a holiday
I didn't have many good friends in school
There were a lot of students waiting at the college gate

I have a lot of work to do today
I don't have much time to talk to you.
There isn't much sugar in the coffee
I didn't have much money when I was young
Ther is a lot of  traffic on the streets in the mornings.

Many é usado para sustantivos contáveis nas sentenças negativas
Much é usado para substantivos incontaveis nas negativas
A lot of é usado para os dois tipos dos substantivos no afirmativo

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