Inglês, perguntado por kaio7373, 9 meses atrás

4°- About of the Adjectives,
Corohuine a segunda coluna de acordo com seu anfänimo da
primeua coluna (20)
Cohina 1
Coluna 2
a) small
) free
b) good
c) short
d) rich
( ) bad
e) din
( ) big
n dirty
( ) poor
g) cheap
( ) tall
h) easy
( ) false
1) sad
) cold
1) heavy
) wonderful
k) hot
( ) fast
I) far
( ) first
m) beautiful
( ) close
n) slow
( ) light
o) terrible
( ) happy
p) busy
( ) young
q) white
( ) fat
r) true
( ) black
s) old
( ) ugly
) last
( ) expensive​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

small - big

good - bad

short - tall

rich - poor

thin/slim - fat

dirty - clean

cheap - expensive

easy - difficult

sad - happy

heavy - light

hot - cold

far - close

beautiful - ugly

slow - fast

terrible - wonderful

busy - free

white - black

true - false

old - young

last - first

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