2- Use the verbs in parentheses to write affirmative(+), negative(-) and interrogative(?) sentences in the Future with will: (10 pontos)
a) I __________________ (do) this later. (+)
b) Peter __________________ (not call) you. (-)
c) __________ She _______________ (forgive) me? (?)
d) They __________________ (be) there. (+)
e) The bus __________________ (not wait) for us. (-)
f) What __________ They _______________ (learn)? (?)
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Simple future using ''will''
2- Use the verbs in parentheses to write affirmative(+), negative(-) and interrogative(?) sentences in the Future with will: (10 pontos)
a) I will do this later. (+)
b) Peter will not call you. (-)
c) Will she forgive me? (?)
d) They will be there. (+)
e) The bus will not wait for us. (-)
f) What will they learn? (?)
⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' - futuro incerto - não planejado
sujeito + will + verbo + complemento
I will go to the park tomorrow.
She will ride a bike next Sunday.
→ Futuro com will - interrogativa
Will + sujeito + verbo + complemento
Will you play soccer?
Will she clean her room?
→ Futuro com will - negativa
sujeito + will + not + verbo + complemento
John will not run at the park.
The kids will not play soccer tomorrow.
Forma normal Forma contraída
I will not go I won’t go
you will not go you won’t go
he will not go he won’t go
she will not go she won’t go
it will not go it won’t go
we will not go we won’t go
you will not go you won’t go
they will not go they won’t go
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