Inglês, perguntado por nanda1325567, 8 meses atrás

2)Complete the sentences with the correct option. 2.1 time do you we have left? How much / How many 2.2 How much is there in the fridge? How much/ How many 2.3 How many wine are there on the table? Bottle of wine/ Bottles of 2.4 sisters do you have? How many/ How much 2.5 months are there in a year? How much/ How many 3) Complete with Relative Pronouns WHO, WHOM, WHICH or WHOSE. 3.1 The car you're looking at is mine.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maysamiorispal2dp


2.1) How much time…?

2.2) How much

2.3) Bottles of wine

2.4) How many sisters…?

2.5) How many years…?

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