Inglês, perguntado por danielearaujo1otclhd, 11 meses atrás

1. Passe as frases abaixo para a forma negativa e interrogativa :

a) you are a teacher

b) she is a secretary

c) it is an orange

d) they are doctors

e) we are good students

f) you are wele

g) he is late

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por StRiGnAdO
a) Negative form: You are not (aren't) a teacher;
     Interrogative form: Are you a teacher?;

b) Negative form: She is not (isn't) a secretary;
     Interrogative form: Is she a secretary?;

c) Negative form: It isn't an orange;
    Interrogative form: Is it an orange?;

d) Negative form: They aren't doctors;
     Interrogative form: Are they doctors?;

e) Negative form: We aren't good students;
    Interrogative form: Are we good students?;

f) Negative form: You aren't wele*** (?);
    Interrogative form: Are you wele*** (?)

g) Negative form: He isn't late;
    Interrogative form: Is he late?

Remark***: unintelligible
Respondido por eduardamorari
you are a teacher
int Are you a teacher?
 neg You are not a teacher.

b) she is a secretary
Is she a secretary?
She is not a secretary.

c) it is an orange
Is it on orange?
It is not orange?

d) they are doctors
Are they doctors?
They are not doctors.

e) we are good students
Are we good students.
We are not good students.

f) you are wele
Are you well?
You are not well.

g) he is late
Int; Is he late?
He is not late.

Na forma negativa você coloca o ''not'' DEPOIS do verbo to be (am, are, is). Já na forma interrogativa você INVERTE, colocando o verbo to be na frente do pronome (i, you, he, she, it, we, you, they...)
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