Inglês, perguntado por aylagaloro, 9 meses atrás

1. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect form of the verbs. Then choose the correct alternative.
• How long ______________________________ (she practiced) when she entered the competition?
• Have you ever sung _________________________ (you sing, ever) in public?
• It _______________________ (rain) the whole day. I has been raining wonder when it will stop.
a) had she practiced / Have you ever sung / has been raining
b) has she practiced / Have you ever sing / have been raining
c) had she practiced / Have you ever singed / has been raining
d) has she practiced / Have you ever sing / had raining
e) had she practiced / Had you ever sung / have been raining

2. Sally, have you taken some days off? I _______________ you lately.
a) didn’t see
b) haven’t seen
c) don’t see
d) hadn’t seen
e) haven’t been seeing

3. She’d been a teacher before she ___________________ an actress.
a) became
b) had become
c) becomes
d) has become
e) become

Read the text then answer the questions 4 to 7


Here’s something to really smile about. A 30-year study shows that folks with a positive perspective live 19% longer than pessimists. How this might work is not clear, but it may be that an optimistic attitude somehow strengthens the immune system or simply inspires people to take better care of themselves. In the study, the optimists were happy to credit themselves when things went right, and they tended to view crisis as fleeting. Pessimists, on the other hand, were chronic self-blamers. Most of us are, no doubt, a bit of both.

4. Translate de text.

5. According to the passage,
a) optimists are always smiling.
b) pessimists blame everybody for their mistakes.
c) pessimists never smile.
d) optimists are generally weaker than pessimists.
e) pessimists blame themselves when things go wrong.

6. You may infer from the passage that optimists view crises as
a) transitory.
b) permanent.
c) avoidable.
d) pleasant.
e) strong.

7. In “... inspires people to take better care of themselves.”, the phrasal verb take care of is similar in meaning to
a) look for.
b) look like.
c) look after.
d) look through.
e) look into.

Choose the right alternative about if clauses.

8. Were I a doctor, I ________________ that you quit smoking.
a) insist
b) had insisted
c) will insist
d) would insist
e) insisted

9. They ________________ the game if they’d had a few more
a) would win
b) could win
c) can win
d) could have won
e) won

10. If I see the boss,________________ him your message.
a) I give
b) I’d give
c) I’ll give
d) I’d given
e) I’d have given

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por giovannacmagagnin

1- Letter c

2- Letter b

3- Letter a

4- (N entendi o título)

Aqui está algo para realmente sorrir. Um estudo de 30 anos mostra que pessoas com uma perspectiva positiva vivem 19% mais que os pessimistas. Como isso pode funcionar não está claro, mas pode ser que uma atitude otimista de alguma forma fortaleça o sistema imunológico ou simplesmente inspire as pessoas a cuidar melhor de si mesmas. No estudo, os otimistas ficaram felizes em creditar a si mesmos quando as coisas deram certo e tenderam a ver a crise como passageira. Os pessimistas, por outro lado, eram auto-culpados crônicos. A maioria de nós é, sem dúvida, um pouco dos dois.

5- Letter e

6- Letter a

7- Letter a

8- Letter c

9- Letter d

10- Letter c

Espero ter ajudado ;)

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