1) Choose the correct alternative:
a) Urban legends have connection to real life events or people.
b) Urban legends have no connection to real life events or people
2) Assinale as alternativas que contêm sufixos:
(a) I saw a disturbing clown statue.
(b) Strawberry is the most delicious flavor of that ice cream shop.
(c) That movie is scary.
(d) The happiness is with me.
3) A frase “ The most criative and oldest poem that I've readwas from Shakeaspeare” é um exemplo de:
a) comparativo de superioridade.
b) comparativo de inferioridade.
c) superlativo.
Texto da 4) Every name is called a noun,As field and fountain, street and town.In place of noun the pronoun stands,As he and she can clap their hands.
4) Na estrofe do poema acima encontramospalavras que rimam, identifique-as:
a) field, fountain; he, she.
b) noun, town; stands, hands.
5) Na capa de revista ao ladoencontramos um superlativo,identifique-o:
a) ever
b) gigs
c) loud
d) greatest
6) A sentença que não contém superlativo é:
a) Japan is the biggest consumer of cheese.
b) Hagar is the loudest viking according to his wife.
c) Magazines are more attractive than newspapers.
d) Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, is the highest montain in the world.
Texto da 7) This news is about cheese. In Asia, Japan is the biggestconsumer of cheese. South Koreans are starting to likecheese, too. They buy more and more of it.
7) O assunto principal do texto é:
a) Japao é o maior consumidor de queijo, pessoas da Coreia do Sul estão
b) começando a consumir queijo também.
c) Japoneses e pessoas da Coreia do Sul estão parando de comer queijo.
d) Asiáticos estão parando de comer queijo.
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