Inglês, perguntado por annjuliarodrigues, 1 ano atrás

1. Assinale a resposta correta: A) You listen to music with your: ( ) ears ( ) eyes B) You kick a ball with your: ( ) hand ( ) foot C) You chew with your: ( ) nose ( ) mouth D) It is in your head. Can be curly or straight... ( ) hair ( ) eye E) You wear rings in your: ( ) ears ( ) finger F) You have five in each foot: ( ) toes ( ) head G) You smell with your: ( ) nose ( ) teeth

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kevinlourenco3101


ears foot nose hair fing toes teeth

leticiaperlingeiro: vc errou nose, teeth e n se escreve fing e ss finger
Respondido por leticiaperlingeiro
ears, foot, mouth, hair, finger, toes, nose
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