1) Answer the affirmative and regative form.
1.Were you at the cinema?
2.Was karen at the brach yesterday? 3.Was Rina and Jhon at the restaurant ? 4.Were you late yesterday?
5.Was your friend so tired last night?
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Verb to be >> simple past
1) Answer the affirmative and regative form.
1. Were you at the cinema?
Affirmative: Yes, we were.
Negative: No, we weren't.
2. Was Karen at the beach yesterday?
Affirmative: Yes, she was.
Negative: No, she wasn't.
3. Were Rina and John at the restaurant ?
Affirmative: Yes, they were.
Negative: No, they weren't.
4. Were you late yesterday?
Affirmative: Yes, we were.
Negative: No, we weren't.
5. Was your friend so tired last night?
Affirmative: Yes, he was.
Negative: No, he wasn't.
→→→ Observação ←←←
Nos exercícios 1 e 4, a resposta também pode ser com '' I '' porque ''you'' pode ser vocês ou você
Affirmative: Yes, I was.
Negative: No, I wasn't.
No exercício 5, a resposta também pode ser com ''she'' porque ''friend'' pode ser amigo ou amiga.
Affirmative: Yes, she was.
Negative: No, she wasn't.
⇒⇒ Verb to be - Simple Past
was >> usado com I – he – she – it
were >> usado com we – you - they
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
→→ Interrogative form
was / were + sujeito + complemento
Were you here last night?
Was she a dancer?
→→ Negative form
Sujeito + was / were + NOT + complemento
She wasn't a dancer. (was + not = wasn't)
They weren't soccer players. (were + not = weren't)
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