Inglês, perguntado por UMGENIOAI, 4 meses atrás

02. Fill in the blanks with the auxiliaries (do - does) and then translate the
phrases: Preencha os espaços em brancos com os auxiliaries (do - does)
e, em seguida, traduza as frases.

a) Do I have to be at school tonight? -
Eu tenho que está na escola esta noite?

b) he have Spanish classes this week?

c) you have an umbrella?

she have to tell truth?

my sisters have two tasks to do?

we have to clean the mirror?

the dog have four kitten?

h) they have to go to the dentist?

he have to go to the gym?

D) you have a wonderful family ?

k)John have to run every day?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por naiaralimamesquinta1



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