Inglês, perguntado por JovemEscritor, 6 meses atrás

01. Turn the following direct questions into indirect questions
a) Where is the nearest emergency room?
Could you please tell us _______________
b) What time does the next flight from São Paulo land?
Do you know________
c) Why does she behave in such a childish way?
I wonder why__________
d) Whom did you speak to earlier?
Can you tell me_________
e) What is counselor's first name?
Do you now_________
Me ajudem pvffr fico agradecido se souberem responder

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dresslacks


a) Could you please tell us where is the nearest emergency room?

b) Do you know what time the next flight from São Paulo lands?

c) I wonder why she behaves so childishly.

d) Can you tell me who you spoke to earlier?

e) Do you know the counselor's first name?

Respondido por gustmelo92
where the nearest emergency room is
when the next flight from sao paulo land?
she behaves in such a childish way?
who you speak earlier?
what the counselour's is?

gustmelo92: lands**
spoke *
the name of the counselour's
JovemEscritor: Opa amigo, obg pela resposta porém é para se usar com a frase abaixo, mesmo assim vlw pela intenção
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