Filosofia, perguntado por OtakinhaPikachu, 5 meses atrás

Write sentences using should have or shouldn’t have + Past participle:

a) He ________________________________ (go) to bed early instead of playing video games with his friends.
b) He ________________________________ (hang) around with his friends every day instead of studying.
c) They ________________________________ (save) money by avoiding going shopping too frequently.
d) We ________________________________ (reject) the training the company offered to be given a promotion.
e) It's cold. I ________________________________ (put) on thicker socks.

ajuda ae gebte​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laurilene1180


a) He went to bed early instead of playing video games with friends.

b) He went out with his friends every day instead of studying.

c) They saved money by avoiding shopping too often. d) We reject the training that the company offered to receive a promotion.

e) It is cold. I put on thicker socks.

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