Inglês, perguntado por jhemillymeireles, 10 meses atrás

Write qustions with do? And does?. Put the words in the rigth order
A ) (how often /Tv / you /whatch?
B) you /want/what/for dinner?)
C) like /you / football?
D) what / you /do / in the evenings ?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por g2005aie
Boa tarde!!! Vamos lá resolver:)

A) How often do you watch TV ?

B) What do you want for dinner?

C) Do you like football?

D) What do you in the evenings?

Espero ter lhe ajudado:) Bons estudos:)
Respondido por maryhaddad
How often do you whatch tv?
What do you want for dinner?
Do you like football?
What do you do in the evenings (não tenho certeza dessa)
espero ter ajudado
Dica: para I, you, we e they você usa Do
e para: He, she e it você usa does
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