Work – English
School:______________________________________________________________________ Teacher: Manuela Dias do Nascimento _______Class:___________________________ Group:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I’m hungry
Nancy is hungry.
She goes to the refrigerator for snacking some tasty treats before lunch.
Sara is Nancy’s mother.
She is preparing a delicious pasta for lunch with a refreshing orange juice.
Seeing Nancy eating a slice of cake, Sara says, ‘If you eat cake now, you will not be hungry for lunch’.
Upset, Nancy says she got up very early and is already starving, ‘Mom, I’m hungry’.
1) Traduza o texto:
2) Qual é esse tipo de texto?
a) Um texto informativo - narrativo.
b) Um texto informativo - descritivo.
c) Um texto informativo -dissertativo.
d) Um manual de instruções.
3) Nancy is..?
a) She is preparing a delicious pasta.
b) She is snacking some tasty treats.
c) She is sad.
d) She is hungry.
4) O que a mãe de Nancy está fazendo?
a) She is preparing a delicious pasta.
b) She is snacking some tasty treats.
c) She is sad.
d) She is hungry
5) Marque a frase na qual aparece um adjetivo:
a) Hungry for lunch
b) Nancy is hungry
c) Preparing a delicious pasta.
d) N.D.A
6) O que quer dizer a frase: “Nancy is hungry”
a) Nancy está feliz.
b) Nancy está triste
c) Nancy está com fome.
d) N.D.A
7) Retire do texto:
a) Two verbs- __________________________________________________________
b) Two Adjectives- ______________________________________________________
c) Two prepositions- _____________________________________________________
d) One sentence in the simple present- _______________________________________
8) Passe os verbos regulares para o simple past . Ex: Love-Loved
a) Dance- _______________________________
b) Try- _________________________________
c) Run- _________________________________
d) Play- _________________________________
9) Circule os pronomes pessoais e os verbos do simple present and simple past .
He was my best friend when I was ten. We went to school together. Sometimes we walked. Sometimes Mon took us by car. We did our homework and watched TV. We met our friends at the club and played soccer. We bought popcorn and made kites. Then my best friend moved to another country. Today I am fourtenn and I have many friends but no best friend.
10) Relacione as perguntas às respostas: a) Why are they running? ( ) Because He is hungry. b) Why are you so Happy? ( ) Because they are late. c) Why is the boy crying? ( )Because today is my birthday.
Good luck!
Soluções para a tarefa
1- Traduza o texto:
Eu estou com fome
Nancy está com fome.
Ela vai até a geladeira para petiscar algumas delícias antes do almoço.
Sara é a mãe da Nancy.
Ela está preparando um delicioso macarrão para o almoço com um refrescante suco de laranja.
Vendo Nancy comer um pedaço de bolo, Sara diz:
-'Se você comer bolo agora, vai ficar sem fome pro almoço'.
Chateada, Nancy diz que ela acordou muito cedo e já está morrendo de fome,
-'Mãe, eu estou com fome'.
2- A) Um texto narrativo
3- D) She is hungry.
4- A) She is preparing a delicious pasta.
5-C) Preparing a delicious pasta.
6- C) Nancy está com fome.
A) Preparing, eat;
B)Tasty, delicous;
C) to; for
D) I'm hungry
A) Danced
B) Tried
C) Ran
D) Played
9- He; was; i; was; we; went; we; walked; took; us; we; did; watched; we; met; played; we; bought; made; moved; i; am; i; have;
(C)Because he is hungry.
(A)Because they are late.
(B)Because today is my birthday.