Inglês, perguntado por games543, 1 ano atrás

Which one is the correct sentence?
                        This one is more used in the UK than in the US:
"The audience were rising to their feet."

They consider "audience" and its similarities: staff, group, team, band etc as plural nouns.

This one is more used in the US than in the UK:
"The audience was rising to their feet."

They consider "audience" and its similarities: staff, group, team, band etc as singular nouns.

HOWEVER, the possessive pronoun "their" is plural, in Portuguese: "seus/suas" and "feet" is a plural noun: "pés" in Portuguese.

Now, which one is more correct, "The audience was rising to their feet." or "The audience were rising to their feet."?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por derekfonseca
The most correct is-The audience was rising to its feet

games543: Yeah, I agree it is the most correct, but between these two sentences, which one is MORE correct [than the other one]? Grammarians say the pronoun needs to combine in amount with "audience", and "feet" is the possessive object on plural, is "audience" a plural noun IN ENGLISH? European English speakers speak different from North-Americans English speakers, is there a difference between both language versions, something that makes it not wrong but also not right??
games543: If you can answer these questions. I thank you a lot. :)
derekfonseca: Audience is a collective noun which is always singular. "Its' is the possessive adjective when accompanied by a noun,in this casa feet So 'audience' combines with 'its' The noun 'feet 'doesn't interfere with the sentence. Ex-It's her book (sing) They're her books (Plural).As you can see 'her ' didn't change because adjectives never have plural,
games543: Thanks.
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