What was the boy doing when the neighbors’ house caught fire? *
1 ponto
He was screaming.
He was playing videogames.
He was a fireman.
His mother was nervous.
Soluções para a tarefa
he was screaming beacause he had a friend ther
A questão é baseada no texto "Aren't the firefighters cool?"
Sabendo disso, para respondermos a questão exposta no enunciado precisamos, primeiro, ler e interpretar o texto. Segue abaixo o texto em questão:
"Yesterday I was playing videogames in my room when I heard
people screaming. I went out and saw: my neighbors’ house
was on fire!
In less than 10 minutes the firemen arrived and fought
against the fire for one hour until they made it. Wow! They
are really brave! One of them entered the house and saved
the Johnson’s dog that was trapped in the fire.
I made a decision: I want to be a fireman when I grow up. I’ll
be strong and brave enough to fight against the fire, to save
people’s lives and property. I can’t wait! I can already see it in
the newspaper: “Brave fireman rescues a family of four”,
Mom will be really proud."
Agora podemos responder a questão corretamente baseado no texto.
What was the boy doing when the neighbors’ house caught fire?
R: alternatia correta He was playing video games. ( Ele estava jogando vídeo game)
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