What is literature?The subjects we study at school can be divided roughlyinto two groups – the sciences and thearts. The sciencesinclude mathematics, geography, chemistry, physics and so on.Among the arts are drawing, painting, modelling, needlework,drama, music, literature. The purpose of education is to usfor life in a civilized community, and it seems to follow fromthe subjects we study that the two most important things incivilized life are art and science.Is this really true? If we take an average day in the lifeof the average man we seem to see very little evidence ofconcern with the sciences and the arts. The average mangets up, goes to work, eats his meals, reads the newspapers,watches television, goes to the cinema, goes to bed, sleeps,wakes up, starts all over again.Unless we happen to be professional scientists, laboratoryexperiments and formulae have ceased to have any meaningfor most of us; unless we happen to be poets or painters ormusicians – or teachers of literature, painting, and music – thearts seem to us to be only the concern of schoolchildren. Andyet people have said, and still say, that the great glories of ourcivilization are the scientists and artists.This text aims at which of the following readers?College students. Schoolchildren.Newspaper readers. Scientists and artists.Poets and painters.BURGESS, Anthony. English Literature. Hong Kong: Longman, 1993.
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Letra A: this text aims the following readers called College students, O texto possui como público-alvo os estudantes, de modo que explica de forma didática para os mesmos a relação entre a arte com o dia dia dos trabalhadores comuns.
Ele aponta que o mundo das ciências e das artes é supervalorizado e sim, possui importância; porém as pessoas normais em sua rotina de trabalho, descanso e lazer, normalmente não se preocupam com tais temas.
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