Inglês, perguntado por joaovictor9961p7pni5, 9 meses atrás

Verbos regulares inglês! ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CamilaGabyLeme


A alternativa B na primeira questão deveria ser "Did/Open", mas não tem nenhuma opção.

"Did they open a new restaurant last week?"


a)John didn't work in an office yesterday.

b)You didn't watch TV in the evening.

c)She didn't conceal her feelings last night.

d)The children didn't brush their teeth last night.


a)The baby cried all night yesterday.

b)She finished her homework two days ago.

c)The boys played football yesterday.

d)You closed the door last night.


a)Did John work in an office yesterday?

b)Did you watch TV I the evening?

c)Did she conceal her feeling last night?

d)Did the children brush their teeth last night?

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