Inglês, perguntado por larissabonapaz08, 10 meses atrás

verb to Be: simple Present
eu preciso urgente da resposta​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 2011018

1- Hi my name IS Julia. I AM from Germany. This IS Peter. He is South African. He IS my friend. We ARE students. He WAS in 7 grade and i AM, so we WERE not in the same class. King´s college IS.  It WAS an old school, but we like a lot. Our teacher IS very nice. My favorite subject IS Math, and Peter´s IS English, but i (não consegui essa) also found Spanish and so Peter. I HAVE 13 years old and he HAS 12. Now we would like to hear from you. Which year ARE you in? What DO you school like?

2- Hi my name IS Michael. I AM from Northem Ireland. This IS Sarah, she is from the USA. She IS my classmate. We ARE students. We ARE in 6 grade but we ARE not in the same class. St Martins ARE our school. It IS a small school, but it IS very modern. Our theacher ARE very friendly. My favorite subject IS History and Sarah`s IS Arts, but i (não consegui essa) I HAVE 11 years old and she HAS still 10. Now we would like to hear from you. What are your teachers like? What subjects ARE you fond off?

(Você pode ajustar pois algumas palavras estão erradas pois fiz com o tradutor, por exemplo: Has= Are

Isso não foi revisado então me perdoe se estiver algo errado)

Bons Estudos.

larissabonapaz08: obrigada, me ajudou bastante
2011018: de nada
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