Inglês, perguntado por sthefany494, 1 ano atrás

Vcs podem me ajudar pfvr??

Complete as frases com a forma plural dos substantivos abaixo:

2) From the .... the wouded ... were able to shoot at their ....

Roof/ hero/ enemy

3) their .... picked some big .... and cut the .... in .... .

Wife/ knife/ loaf/ half

4) the little .... riding .... and .... the ..... on the toy .... brought .... of joy the .... at the .... .

Monkey/ donkey/ goose/ bus/ child/ circus

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn

2 - roofs  / heroes / enemies

3 - wives / knives / loaves / halves

4 - monkeys / donkeys / geese / buses / children / circuses

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