Inglês, perguntado por Fec7, 8 meses atrás

Use the presente perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. .............. you………………………. (wash) the car?
2. You ............................................. (not / eat) very much.
3. They ……………….............…......... (open) a new supermarket.
4. You .............…………………………… (not / write) it in pencil.
5. She ….....……………………..... (make) the sandwiches.
6. We …………....................... (have) our lunch.
7. United …………………............. (not / score) a goal.
8. The balloon …………….......................(land) in a field.
9. Who ………………………….. (break) this glass?
10. It's warm because the heating ....................................... (be) on.
11. ................... he .......................................(sell) his flat yet?
12. Carlos and Janet …….......……………………… (finish) that job at last.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carmemvilanova


1. Have you washed the car?

2. You have not eaten very much.

3. They have opened a new supermarket

4. You have not written it in pencil.

5. She has made ths sandwiches.

6. We have had our lunch.

7. United have not scored a goal.

8. The ballon have landed in a field.

9. Who have broken this glass?

10. It's warm because the heating has been on.

11 Has he sold his flat yet?

12. Carlos and Ja et have finished that job.


O present perfect tense é sempre formado pelo verbo To Have (have/has, a depender do pronome na conjugação), seguido do verbo principal no past participle.

Indica uma ação que começou num passado indefinido ou que começou no passado e continua no presente.

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