Inglês, perguntado por andreycoelho10, 9 meses atrás


The gift

There were two men in a hospital room. One of them occupied the bed nearthe window. He could sit up on his bed for one hour each afternoon. The otherman could not sit. They talked all the time. They spoke of their wives andfamilies, their homes, their jobs, their vacations, everything.
Every afternoon, the man in the bed near the window would sit and describeto the other man all the things he could see outside the window. ”There’s apark across the street from the hospital. There is a lake in the park, withducks and swans. Children are playing in the park.”
The man in the other bed liked to listen to the descriptions. In fact, hebegan to live for those moments. He would close his eyes and imagineeverything his friend was describing to him. One day, the man described a parade passing in the street.Although he couldn’t hear the band, he could imagine the parade.
One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths and saw that the man close to thewindow had died peacefully in his sleep. She called the hospital attendants and told them to take the bodyaway. Later, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to movehim to the bed near the window.He was eager to look through the window and see the world with his own eyes.
He was shocked. Therewas only a blank wall outside.He asked the nurse why his friend had described such wonderful things when there was nothing but awall outside. The nurse was surprised and responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall

How did the man die? *

Where does the story? *

Who are the three characte? *

The man who was in bed by the window could sit. What he did when he sat down? *

Write T for True or F for False according to the text:

The two men were always talking. *

The two men could sit in their beds. *

The man far from the window did not like to listen to the descriptions *

The two men had families. *

The two men could sit in their beds. *

One day, the two men died. *

The man near the window described the things he saw outside. *

The nurse was a woman. *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por agatablnc


Resumo da história: Dois homens doentes estão em camas de um quarto de hospital. Um deles ficava ao lado de uma janela, e resolve descrever a paisagem para o outro homem. Ele gostava batante de ouvir essas descrições, e imaginava tudo em sua cabeça. Só que, um dia, o homem da janela morreu. O outro homem, portanto, pediu para a enfermeira movê-lo para a cama da janela. Porém, ele se choca ao perceber que a paisagem era apenas uma parede vazia. Ainda suspreso, ele pergunta à enfermeira por que o amigo dele descrevia tantas coisas bonitas se lá não havia nada, e a enfermeira também se choca, pois, segundo ela, "o homem que ficava lá era cego".

1. The man close to the window died peacefully in his sleep. The nurse found him dead in the morning while she was bringing water for his bath.

2. The story happens in a hospital.

3. The man close to the window, the man who listens to the other man's stories, and the nurse.

4. When he sat down, he described to the other man all the things he could see outside the window.










Respondido por rcezare


How did the man die? *

He died peacefully in his sleep.

Ele morreu pacificamente durante o sono.

Where does the story? *

In a hospital room.

Em quarto de hospital.

Who are the three characters? *

Two men (patients) and a nurse.

The man who was in bed by the window could sit. What he did when he sat down?

He described to the other man all the things he could see outside the window.

Ele descreveu para o outro homem todas as coisas que ele podia ver fora da janela.

The two men were always talking. *


The two men could sit in their beds. *


The man far from the window did not like to listen to the descriptions *


The two men had families. *


The two men could sit in their beds. *


One day, the two men died. *


The man near the window described the things he saw outside. *


The nurse was a woman. *


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