Inglês, perguntado por daniela225silva, 1 ano atrás

My trip to Canada ....................... fantastic! There .................. beautiful landscapes, the food .......................... very good and I knew people from all over the world. The only problem ..................... the weather. It ........................ very nice on the day we decided to walk around because it rained a lot!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒   Verb ''to be'' - simple past

My trip to Canada was fantastic!  There were beautiful landscapes, the food was very good and I knew people from all over the world. The only problem was the weather. It wasn't very nice on the day we decided to walk around because it rained a lot!​

⇒⇒  Verbo ''to be'' - Simple past - affirmative

I was     here.

You were   a student

It was   simple.

He was  a soccer player.

She was  a pianist.

We were  best friends.

You were chess players.

They were  engineers.

→ Simple past com verbo ''to be'' - negativa >> acrescenta ''not'' depois do verbo

Sujeito + was not + complemento  (was not = wasn't) - (were not = weren't)

She was not here.

They were not at home.

→ Simple past com verbo ''to be'' - interrogativa >> coloca o verbo na frente do sujeito >> início da frase

Was/were + sujeito + complemento

Was she here?

Were they at home?

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