Inglês, perguntado por nadaamais, 10 meses atrás



1-Complete the conversantions. Put in *Will* or *be going to* with the verbs.

Vicky: Have you got a ticket for the play?
Daniel: Yes, I'm going to see (see) it on Thursday.
Harriet: The alarm's going. It's marking an awful noise.
Mike: Ok, I'll switch (switch) it off.

1. Daniel: Did you buy this book?
1. 1 - Matthew: No, Emma did. She ____________________________ (read) it on holiday.

2. Laura: Would you like tea or coffee?
2. 1 - Sarah: Oh, I ________________________ (have) coffee, please.

3. Trevor: I'm going to miss a good film on TV because I'll be out tonight.
3. 1 - I ___________________________ (video) it for you, if you like.

4. Rachel: I'm just going out to get a paper.
4. 1 - Emma: What newspaper ______________________ (you/buy)?

2 - What would you say? Use *will* or *be going to*.
▶You want to express your intention to look round the museum.

Your friend: Do vou have any plans for this afternoon?
You: Yes, I'm going to look round the museum.

1. You hate dogs. Dogs always attack you if they get the chance.
Your friend: That dog doesn't look very friendly.
You: It's coming towards us __________________

2. You predict the landing of aliens on the earth in the next ten years.
Your friend: All this talk about aliens is complete nonsense, ins't it?
You: Is it? I think ____________________________

3. You know that your friend's sister has decided to get married.
Your friend: Have you heard about my sister?
You: Well, I heard that _________________________

4. You suddenly decide you want to invite Ilona for a meal.
You friend: Did you know Ilona will be in town next weekend?
You: No, I didn't __________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CenouriBronze

1. Is going to read

2. will have

3. 1. I am going to video

4. are you going to buy


1. it will attack us if it gets the chance.

2. they are going to land on earth in the next ten years.

3. she is going to get married.

4. I think I'm going to invite her for a meal.

CenouriBronze: Na verdade eu acho que a 1-4. é "Will buy" e a 2-2. é "they will land on earth in the next ten years".
CenouriBronze: Você deve usar o "going to" quando a decisão já está tomada, e "will" quando ainda não é certo... Mas é um assunto bem complicado, até os norte-americanos erram bastante isso
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