Inglês, perguntado por heloisatottip7e4k1, 9 meses atrás

unscramble the sentences. a- barbershop, to, downtow, get, drive, toward, to, you, must, the.
b- he, because, was, couldn't, too, pull, traffic, there, over, much.
c- temperature, the, freezing, be, heard, tomorrow, I, will.
d- the, door, into, walking, knock, classroom, the, before, on.
e- the, shelf, the, books, are, on, biology, above, books, chemistry, the.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. You must drive toward downtown to get to the barbershop.

b. He couldn't pull over because there was too much traffic.

c. I heard the temperature will be freezing tomorrow.

d. Knock on the door before walking into the classroom.

e. The Biology books are on the shelf above the Chemistry books.

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