Inglês, perguntado por guiterra74, 2 meses atrás


Considering the linguistic structure of the text,

a) the words “clinician” and “physician” are synonyms and so they can be used interchangeably.

b) the adjectives “many” and “much” are correctly used in: many sports arena; much physical activities.

c) the following words are singular and plural forms: injury – injuries; require – requires; activity – activities.

d) the words “prerequisites”, “moderate”, “attending”, “often” and “university” are examples of true cognates.

e) the sentence “Certain amount of physical activity is considered an important element…” is in the active voice.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92
a the words clinician and physician are synomyms and so they can be used interchangeably

guiterra74: Obrigado
Respondido por dudaeduarda132


Alternativa correta é a Letra A

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