Inglês, perguntado por felipecheytac, 6 meses atrás

Translate the following sentences into English and
practice. Follow the example.
Traduza as frases a seguir para o Inglês e as
pratique. Siga o exemplo.
Present Simple Passive
Example: Someone cleans the room every day.
The room is cleaned every day.
a. We receive a lot of phone calls every day.
A lot of phone calls are received every
b.My wife waters the plants.
The plants ____________by my wife.
c. The kids do the washing-up.
The washing-up_______________by the
d.Someone sends me a letter.
A letter___________to me.

Present Continuous Passive
Example: Someone is cleaning the room.
The room is being cleaned.
a. Someone is photocopying the document.
The document is being photocopied.
b.They are repairing the car.
The car________________________.
c. He is washing the dishes.
The dishes__________________.
d. He is not cooking rice at the moment.
the moment.

Past Simple Passive
Example: Someone cleaned the room.
The room was cleaned.
a. Did they find the victim unconscious?
Was the suspect found unconscious?
b. Did they break the rules?
_______the rules________?
c. They didn’t invite the children to the party.
The children________________to the party.
d. They didn’t finish the work.
The work ________________.

Past Continuous Passive
Example: The boy was throwing the stone.
The stone was being thrown by the boy.
a. Kelly was watching TV.
b. They were playing volleyball.
Volleyball___________________by them.
c. The teacher was calling the rolls.
The rolls______________________by the
d. The masons were not building the house.
The house___________________________.

Future Simple Passive
Example: Someone will clean the room.
The room will be cleaned.
a. He will not write another book so soon.
Another book won’t be written so soon.
b. Will they build a new bridge?
_______a new bridge___________?
c. They will serve dinner in a minute.
The dinner_________________in a
d. They will take a picture of the building.
A picture of the
Past Perfect Passive
Example: Girl had clicked selfie.
Selfie had been clicked by girl.
a. He had taken lunch.
Lunch had been taken by him.
b. You had made a house.
A house___________by you.
c. She had cooked meal.
Meal____________by her.
d. They had no written a letter.
A letter_______________by them.
Present Perfect Passive
Example: Someone has cleaned the room.
The room has been cleaned.
a. Jhon has stolen my money.
My money has been stolen by Jhon.
b. Mary has watered the plants.
The plants_______________________.
c. They have not fixed the computer yet.
The computer__________________yet.
d. Susan has peeled the oranges.
The oranges_______________by her.

felipecheytac: Vão na pergunta de cima minha 50pts

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carolmartelotte2012


Present Simple Passive

b. The plants are watered by my wife.

c. The washing-up is done by the


d. A letter is sent to me.

Present Continuous Passive

b.The car is being repaired.

c. The dishes are being washed.

d. Rice is not being cooked at the moment.

Past Simple Passive

b. Were the rules broken?

c. They didn’t invite the children to the party.

The children weren't invited to the party.

d. They didn’t finish the work.

The work wasn't finished.

Past Continuous Passive

b. Volleyball was being played by them.

c. The rolls were being called by the


d. The house was not being builded.

Future Simple Passive

b. Will a new bridge be built?

c. The dinner will be served in a


d. A picture of the building will be taken.

Past Perfect Passive

b. A house had been made by you.

c. Meal had been cooked by her.

d. A letter had not be written by them.

Present Perfect Passive

b. The plants have been watered.

c. The computer hasn't been fixed yet.

d. Susan has peeled the oranges.

The oranges have been peeled by her.


Bom dia! Para usares todos estes tempos verbais... Bem, cada um tem uma forma. Os materiais necessários também diferem, então vou explicar um por um, certo?

Present simple Passive

Materiais necessários: verbos "to be" e o principal da frase.

Verb to be: I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are; verbo principal: depende de qual for, mas, geralmente, é conjugado de forma igual, exceto pela 3ª pessoa do singular, que costuma levar um -s no final. Para mais informações, procura um site de conjugações.

Receita: verb to be (fazer a concordância com o sujeito) + verbo principal no past simple;

Present ContinuouPassive

M. N.: verb to be no present continuous e verbo principal

Receita: colocar o verb to be no P. C., adicionar o verbo principal (que, como estamos a falar do p.c.) com -ing no final.

Past Simple Passive

Colocar o verb to be no past simple e, em seguida, adicionar o verbo principal no past participle.

Past Continuous Passive

Colocar o verb to be no past continuous (was being ou were being) e, em seguida, adicionar o verbo principal no past simple.

Future Simple Passive

Colocar o verb to be no futuro (will na afirmativa e will not - won't - na negativa), mais "be" e, por fim, adicionar o verbo principal no past participle.

Past Perfect Passive

Colocar o verb to have no past simple, adicionar "been" e completar com o verbo principal no past participle.

Present Perfect Passive

Colocar o verb to have no present simple, mais "been" e finalizar com o verbo principal no past participle.


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