Inglês, perguntado por juliaxavier554, 7 meses atrás

Transforme as sentenças no future perfect abaixo de afirmativas para interrogativas.

a) He will have prepared his presentation on time.

b) Until the end of the month, we will have walked forty kilometers.

c) I will have cleaned the house and washed the dishes before the guests arrive.

d) Marcos will have run two miles by noon.

e) When the class start, Sabrina will have done her homework.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por araujobru21



Para transformar para interrogativa é necessário apenas alterar a posição do pronome e do auxiliar "will"

a) Will he have prepared his presentation on time?

b) Until the end of the month, will we have walked forty kilometers?

c) Will I have cleaned the house and washed the dishes before the guests arrive?

d) Will Marcos have run two miles by noon.?

e) When the class start, will Sabrina have done her homework?

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