Inglês, perguntado por gabriellygaby29, 1 ano atrás

Transforme as frases abaixo em negativas e interrogativas de acordo com a regra do futuro "Going to

a) She is going to buy a new car

b) Katia and Abel are going to cook the dinner tonight.

c) I am going to study more next time.

d) Carlos is going to be busy this weekend.

e) Angela is going to fill up your cup.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yasmiimarcela


a) negativa: She isn't going to buy a new car.

interrogativa: Is she going to buy a new car?

b) negativa: Katia and Abel aren't going to cook the dinner tonight.

interrogativa: Are Katia and Abel going to cook the dinner tonight?

c) negativa: I'm not going to study more next time.

interrogativa: Am I going to study more next time?

d) negativa: Carlos isn't going to be busy this weekend.

interrogativa: Is Carlos going to be busy this weekend?

e) negativa: Angela isn't going to fill up your cup.

interrogativa: Is Angela going to fill up your cup


Você também pdoe trocar todas as vezes que aparecem: "going to" pra: "gonna", que é mais informal, se seu professor aceitar, claro...

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