Inglês, perguntado por ghv2001, 9 meses atrás

Transform the sentences into the negative and into the interrogative forms:
1- We have seen this moive.
2- He has broken his leg
3- There has been an accident.
4- She has watched that show tree times this week
5- The children have made a mess in the kitchen
6- He has started a new job
7- She has finished her chores.
8- You have grown since the last time I saw you
9- The government has become more interested in arts education
10- I have lost my purse

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Luangiel402


1- We haven't seen this movie/Have we seen this movie?

2- He hasn't broken his leg/Has he broken his leg?

3- There hasn't been an accident/Has there been an accident?

4- She hasn't watched that show.../ Has she watched that show...?

5- The children haven't made a mess.../ Have the children made a mess...?

6- He hasn't started a new job/Has he started a new job?

7- She hasn't finished her chores/Has she finished her chores?

8- You haven't grown.../ Have you grown...?

9- The government hasn't become.../Has (the) government become...?

10- I haven't lost my purse/Have I lost my purse?

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