Nome Completo :
Charles John Huffam Dickens
Quem foi:
Charles Dickens foi um importante escritor inglês do século XIX. É considerado um dos principais romancistas da era vitoriana na Inglaterra e um dos principais escritores do Realismo Inglês. Além dos populares romances, escreveu contos, peças e artigos jornalísticos. Em suas obras, expôs os principais problemas sociais da Inglaterra vitoriana como, por exemplo, a violência, a pobreza, o desemprego, as péssimas condições de trabalho nas fábricas e a prostituição.
Charles Dickens tinha consciência social e procurou melhorar de forma prática a vida das pessoas daquele período. Junto com alguns amigos, buscou participar de atividades sociais através de projetos que propunham melhorias educacionais, reforma sanitária e até a criação de um hospital infantil.
Charles Dickens nasceu na cidade de Portsmouth (Inglaterra) em 7 de fevereiro de 1812.
Charles Dickens morreu aos 58 anos de idade na cidade de Kent (Inglaterra) em 9 de junho de 1870.
Estilo Literário:
- Narrativas marcadas pelo humor e irnonia;
- Marcante crítica social;
- Presença de consciência social;
- Enredos intrincados;
- Descrições sugestivas;
- Caracterizações grotescas.
Principais obras
- Oliver Twist - 1839
- Um Conto de Natal - 1843
- David Copperfield - 1850
- A casa soturna - 1853
- Um conto de duas cidades - 1859
- Grandes esperanças - 1861
- O mistério de Edwin Drood - 1870
- Retratos Londrinos
- A Christmas Tree
- Doutor Marigold
- "Cada fracasso ensina um homem algo que ele precisava aprender."
- "Aquele que alivia o fardo do mundo para o outro não é inútil neste mundo."
- "Qualquer pessoa é capaz de ficar alegre e de bom humor quando está bem-vestida."
- "Os filhos dos mais pobres não estão sendo educados, mas sim arrastados." (em A Casa Soturna)
Soluções para a tarefa
Charles John Huffam Dickens
Who was:
Charles Dicksen was an important british writer from the XIX century. He is considered one of the most important romancists from the Victorian era on England and one of the main writers of the british Realism. Besides the popular novels, he wrote tales, plays and journalistic articles. In his works, he exposed the main social problems at the Victorian England, such as violence, poverty, unemployment, the awful work conditions in factories and prostituition.
Charles Dickens had social conscience and tried to improve in a practical way people's lives of that period. With some friends, he sought to participate of social activities through projects that proposed educational improvements, sanitary reform and even the creation of a Children's Hospital.
Early years:
Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth (England), in February 7th 1812.
Charles Dickens died with the age of 58 at Kent (England), in June 9th 1870.
Notable works
Oliver Twist - 1839
A Christmas Carol - 1843
David Copperfiel - 1850
Bleak House - 1853
A Tale of Two Cities - 1859
Great Expectations - 1861
Drood: A Novel - 1870
Sketchez by Boz
A Christmas Tree
Doctor Marigold
"Every failure teaches a man something he needed to learn."
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."
"Anyone is able to be happy and in a good mood when it is well dressed."
"The children of the poors are not being educated, but dragged."
Complete Name:
Charles John Huffam Dickens
Who was:
Charles Dickens was na important XIX century british man. He is apointed to be one of the most important victoran era novelists and one of the principal british Realism writers. Besisdes his popular novels, He wrote tales, acts and jornalist articles. In his works, He exposed the victorian era principal problems, as, the violence, the poverty, the unemployment, the awful work conditions and the prostitution.
Charles Dickens had a social conscience and looked for a way to make better the practicle life of that time. Togheter with some friends, He participated many social activities by projects that proposed educational improvements, health reform and even the criation of a children’s hospital.
Charles Dickens was Born at the city of Portsmouth (England)
in February 7th of 1812.
Charles Dickens died at the age of 58 at the city of Kent
(England) in June 9th of 1870.
Literary Style:
- Humor and irony marked narratives
- Remarcable Social Critics;
- Social Consciensce Presence;
- Intricated Plots;
- Sugestive Descriptions;
- Grotesque Caracterizations.
Major Works:
- Oliver Twist - 1839
- A Christimas Carol - 1843
- David Copperfield - 1850
- Bleak House- 1853
- A Tale of two cities - 1859
- Great Expectations - 1861
- O mistério de Edwin Drood - 1870
- The mistery of Edwin Drood.
- Retratos Londrinos
- A Christmas Tree
- Doctor Marigold
- Londin Portrait
Remarcable Phrases:
- "Every failure teachs the man He has something to learn."
- " No one is useless in this world who
lightens the burden of it to anyone else.
- " Any man may be in good
spirits and good temper when he's well dressed.."
- "The children of the poor are not being educated, but dragged" (The
Bleak House)