Inglês, perguntado por royijo3012, 8 meses atrás

This is Nelly. She’s a nurse. She’s tall and thin. She works at the hospital. She looks after sick people.She gets up at six o’clock in the morning. She takes a shower and puts on her clothes. Then she eats breakfast at half past six. At seven o’clock, she drives her car to the hospital.Nelly starts work at eight o’clock. She cleans the rooms in the hospital. Then, she helps the doctors. At twelve o’clock, she has lunch. She goes home at five o’clock.At home, she takes a shower and she cooks dinner.She has dinner at half past six in the evening. Then, she watches TV at ten o’clock, she goes to bed. 1. What time does she have lunch?

a) Quais os pronomes pessoais:

b) Qual o pronome possessivo:

c) Faça uma lista de verbos que estão conjugados na terceira pessoa do plural:

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por brunasouza100a


Zero absoluto – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Numa escala progressiva, o zero absoluto seria a temperatura de menor energia possível. ... Sendo assim, o zero absoluto Kelvin ficou localizado a -273,15°C da escala Celsius que tem como referencial o ponto de congelamento da água . Isso equivale a -459,67°F na escala Fahrenheit e 0 Ra na escala Rankine.


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