Inglês, perguntado por katherynne90, 5 meses atrás

(...) What shape the school of the future will take is amorphous, but most educators and observers agree that the future scholl will go electronic with a capital E.
“Next century, schools as we know them will no longer exist, “ says a feature in Age publication. Based in Melbourne, Australia. “In their place will be community-style centers operating seven days a week, 24 hours a day”. Computers will become an essential ingredient in the recipe for an effective school of the future.
Students, The Age asserts, will see and hear teachers on computers, with “remote learning” the trend of tomorrow. Accessing “classrooms” on their home computers, students will learn at times most convenient for them. Yet some attendance at an actual school will be required to help students develop appropriate social skills.
At Seashore Primary School, an imaginary school of the future created by the Education Department of Australia, technology is the glue that holds classes together . At the imaginary Seashore school
# all teachers and students have laptop computers.
# teachers check voicemail and returns students’ calls on a special telephone system.
# students use telephones to find information or speak to experts in subject t areas they are studying.
# all lessons are multidisciplinary.
# all students have individual learning plans created by teachers.

De acordo com o texto, pode-se afirmar que…
( ) as escolas do futuro terão a mesma infraestrutura que as escolas atualmente.
( ) os alunos não mais precisarão ir à escola para participar de aulas presenciais.
( ) o formato da aula será baseado em palestras dadas pelos professores.
( ) as disciplinas escolares continuarão a ser dadas separadamente.
( ) a infraestrutura das escolas e a metodologia das escolas serão com figuradas pelo uso da tecnologia.
In the sentence “(...) most educators and observers agree that future school will go eletronic with a capital E” Will refers to ... (Voce usa WILL com…)
( ) decisions made at the moment of speaking.
( ) intention in the near future.
( ) predictions about the future , based on what edcators and observers think, believe, or hope.
( ) future events which are arranged according to a schedule or a timetable planned by someone else.
( ) plans about the near future.


Summerhill School is a democratic, self-governing school in which the adults and children have equal status. The daily life of the school is governed by the school Meetings (…) in which everybody has an equal vote The school’s philosophy is to allow freedom for individual (…) .Living life in a community is of great importance to the pupils here. Through this they learn to compromise, communicate, negotiate and assume responsibility . (…) (Pupils) can take part in a caring and active community and assume real responsabilities as they learn more and more about the running of their school (…) The freedom to attend formal lessons or not as the school is a central feature of the school’ s philosophy. (…) Children are allowed to fill their time with freely chosen ac tions (…) Classes with structured are available for all children and organized in timetable format with flexible content and attention to individual learning needs and levels. (…)

Leia o texto e sublinhe a melhor palavra (destacada) que descreve o tipo de escola descrita pelo texto:
It is a school where educators /Young people have the freedom to ignore/organize their daily activities, and in which there is equality/inequality in decision-making among people from the community/Young people and adults

Escreva T (true) verdadeiro, ou F (false) falso e corrija as falsas.
a (…) During school meeting, the adults and students both vote, and adults’ vote are more important.

b (…) The freedom to attend formal lessons or not at the school is not an important part of the school’s philosophy.

c. (…) Pupils are allowed to miss formal lessons if they want to.

d. (…) Structured classes with fixed content and organized in timetable format are available for some children.

e.(…) Living life in a community enables students to learn to compromise, communicate, negotiate and assume responsibility.

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