Inglês, perguntado por palomasimao, 6 meses atrás

the oringins of volunteering

The word volunteer comes from
the Latin word voluntas, which means
choice. Volunteering is a type of work
made spontaneously, willingly, without
coercion or imposition, and, most of the
time, without pay.
Volunteers offer their time and work
without claiming any compensation or
material reward, motivated by values
such as justice, equality, and freedom.
Volunteering can be practiced in
several scales, from local to global.
These actions can involve welfare aid,
assistance to people with special needs,
fundraising, advocacy, adult education,
and environmental initiatives, among

Volunteers working.

O dicionário bilíngue, o Keywords box e o glossário são ferramentas importantes de estudo que
vêm sendo utilizadas nos Cadernos de Inglês desde o Volume 1. Caso você não tenha estudado
os Cadernos anteriores, você pode consultar as seções Studying guidance que abordam essas três
ferramentas, conforme indicado a seguir:
• Dicionário bilíngue: Volume 1, Unit 1, Theme 1.
• Glossário: Volume 1, Unit 1, Theme 3.
• Keywords box: Volume 1, Unit 2, Theme 2.

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UNIT 1 11

1 Write True (T) or False (F) for each sentence, according to the text you have read.
Escreva Verdadeiro (T) ou Falso (F) para cada frase, de acordo com o texto que você leu.
• The word volunteer comes from a Latin word that means choice.
• Volunteers offer their time without claiming any compensation.
• The objective of NGOs is to make money.
• Third sector is a term used to refer to private organizations.
2 Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined words with the
synonyms in the box.
Reescreva as frases a seguir substituindo as
palavras grifadas pelos sinônimos no quadro.

aid ajuda
along with junto com
among entre
fundraising arrecadação de fundos
pay pagamento
profit lucro
Keywords box

reward recompensa
special needs necessidades especiais
such as como
welfare bem-estar
willingly de boa vontade
without claiming sem reivindicar

requesting to build
associated with genesis
objectives give
ASSOCIAÇÃO Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais (ABONG). ONGs no Brasil. Números e dados das fundações e associações privadas sem fins lucrativos no Brasil –
Pesquisa FASFIL 2010 – Lançada em dezembro de 2012. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 30 out. 2014.
There are many organizations that help to coordinate volunteer work across the
world. These organizations are called non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This
term was officially coined in 1945, along with the founding of the United Nations
(UN). NGOs are exclusively non-profit, and because of this characteristic, these
organizations are often referred to as the third sector.
In 2010 there were around 290.7 thousand private foundations and non-profit
organizations in Brazil.

Pergunta: No texto é citada a palavra “justice”, que se originou de outra língua agregada ao inglês. De
qual idioma se originou esta palavra e porque a mesma é considerada uma cognata?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por falatu20102010


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O texto fala sobre as origens do Voluntariado.

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