Inglês, perguntado por gabydiversos10, 3 meses atrás

The biggest and most popular market in London takes place every day in Camden, but it is busiest and best at the weekend. Camden is famous all over the world for its fashion, artists, clubs, and music, but it is most famous for its market. It is the___________ 1. (large) street market in the UK. More than 400,000 people come every weekend to look, shop, eat, and meet friends. There is music everywhere The street food is delicious, and it is the ___________2. (cheap) in north London. In every part of the market, you find something interesting. It has the_____________3. (amazing clothes, beautiful jewelry, music, and tattoo shops. The Electric Ballroom is the ______________4. (old) nightclub in Camden. You can hear the____________5. (late) rock bands before they become famous. There are hundreds of clubs, but Proud is one of the___________________6. (cool).​


jr056025: que ódio eu odeio o braily tem que pagar AAAAAA

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por k225216892


1. Largest

2. Cheapest

3. Most amazing

4. Oldest

5. Latest

6. Coolest


Espero ter ajudado :)

gabydiversos10: obrigadaa
k225216892: dnd, qualquer coisa chama
gabydiversos10: :)
guilhermeoliveirarod: Com base nas informações apresentadas no texto, responda às questões abaixo.
a) Retorne no texto e preencha os espaços com os adjetivos entre parênteses no grau superlativo. Escreva as suas respostas na ordem, nas linhas abaixo.
biagacha747: primeira vez que vejo 20 votos com 5.0 estrelinhas os outros só era 4.0 kk
biagacha747: 21* contando com o meu
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