Inglês, perguntado por vivianeTeo00, 1 ano atrás

Texto tema eleições 2018 em inglês

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por HickgomezZ
Of the 28 gubernatorial candidates running for the second round, 7 did not follow the recommendation of the national executives of their respective parties on supporting candidates for the presidency in this second round.

Of these, 4 are candidates affiliated to the PDT, which competed with Ciro Gomes in the first round, and another 3, of the PSB. Both legends decided to support Fernando Haddad (PT) in the October 28 vote, but not all co-religionists followed the lead. Two PDT candidates, including, declared a vote in Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), direct opponent of Haddad in the second round.

The report takes into account a G1 survey of the support of all candidates to state governments that run the second round. Responses were collected until the morning of this Friday (12).

Respondido por jairzinho516


On one side a candidate who is a Christian but pleads for plebiscites for moral issues such as abortion. On the other an invader who promises to occupy the National Congress. More hidden a candidate who advocates an unprecedented ''cirocracy'' ...

This is the context of the elections in 2018 in Brazil, where the stabbing of a candidate contrasts with the accusations of hostlity against his person.

Arises the doubt: Bolsonaro or Haddad, that is the question..

Foi boa :))

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