Inglês, perguntado por diegomarquesvilar, 3 meses atrás

Texto 1 Aunt and Uncle 2 He visits his aunt and uncle. They are very different from each other. His aunt is tall and skinny. His uncle is fat and short. His aunt likes vegetables. His uncle only eats meat. His aunt is quiet. His uncle is loud. They still love each other. They like it when he visits. He always has fun with his aunt and uncle.​questão 1:de acordo com o texto 1 a tia do personagem é.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MARIACLARA0205


His aunt is tall and skinny

(Sua tia é alta e magra)

His aunt likes vegetables

(Sua tia gosta de vegetais)

His aunt is quiet

(Sua tia está quieta)

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