Inglês, perguntado por yasminmariz315, 2 meses atrás


My name is John. I have two dogs in my house. The first is star, and a second is Egg. I love these dogs; they are so cute with me. I have a three cats too. The first I buy in the New York, when I travel with my family, he is John, the second is Junior and the three is David, the most beautiful!

1- Fill in the blanks with have or has.

a) I______a two dogs.

b) Do you_______ a dog?

c) My sister________a lot of friends.

d) We________an English test tomorrow.

e)They______a lot of money

2- Mark the correct alternative;

. Jean ___________ a cute dog.

a) have

b) has

3- Write the sentence below in negative and interrogative forms. :

a-They have a good job.

N ___________________________________


b-He has a bad confortable.



c-Robert has a dog black.

N: __________________________________


d- Jane and Mary have very friends.



gente me ajudem plissss ❤❤​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lauracbrissos



a) have   b) have    c) has   d) have    e)have

2- b)


a) N- They don't have a job / Int- do they have a job?

b) N-  He isn't comfortable / Int- Does he have a bad confort?

c) N- Robert doesn't have a black dog / Int- Does Robert have a black dog?

d) N- Jane and Mary don't have many friends / Int- Does Jane and Mary have many friends

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