Inglês, perguntado por Pedrorramos, 1 ano atrás

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NEWSWEEK Remembers Paul the Octopus

Less than six months ago, Paul the Octopus catapulted from a life of obscurity to worldwide fame. Now, Paul has died, at the ripe old octopus age of two.

A common octopus living at the Sea Life Center in Oberhausen, Germany, Paul was able to correctly predict the winner of all Germany's World Cup matches. Prior to the matches, Paul was given two boxes of food, identical except for the flags of the competing teams. The team represented on the box Paul chose to eat from inevitably won the match. His picking prowess made him an international star.

Here at NEWSWEEK, we were just as taken with Paul as was the rest of the news media, and in an attempt to get inside his cephalopodial head, we sought out prestigious pet psychic Catherine Ferguson. In honor of Paul, we present that video yet again. Rest in peace, Paul the Octopus.

Newsweek, October 28th, 2010.

Analyze the following statements:

I. “Catapulted from” can be understood as “saiu de”.

II. The sentence “Paul has died” is in the simple past.

III. In the expressions “Sea Life Center” and “Germany's World Cup matches”, the expressions “Sea Life” and “Germany’s World Cup” are modifiers.

IV. The words “inevitably” and “correctly” are formed by the suffix –ly, and are adjectives.

Mark the correct alternative:


Only statements II and IV.


Only statement II.


Only statements I, II and III.


Only statement III and IV.


Only statement I and III

Pedrorramos: claro anjo kk

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por phazevedo2011


Alternative E.


I está correta, se tem a ideia de saiu de uma vida de obscuridade para a fama mundial.

II está errada. Seria simple past se tivesse apenas o died. Has died significa algo do passado mas que tem conexão com o presente, portando é present perfect.

III correta. Sea life center e Germany's world cup matches são modificadores que qualificam e detalham o adjetivo.

IV está errada. Inevitavly e correctly são advérbios e não adjetivos. Devido ao sufixo ly.

Pedrorramos: muito obrigado anjo
phazevedo2011: coloca 5 estrelinhas aí pra ajudar a comprar o pão
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