Inglês, perguntado por gabrielyleonardo124, 8 meses atrás

Take a look at the verbs below and write down their past simple and past participle forms. Then, circle
all regular verbs. Underline the irregular verbs that don't change form. Draw a square around the irregular
verbs that change completely in the past participle.

Base form
Past simple
Past participle


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leyinha


dance - danced - danced

hurt  - hurt - hurt

begin  - began - begun

go  - went - gone

decide  - decided - decided

hit  - hit - hit

take  - took - taken

be  - was - been

let  - let - let

study - studied - stidued

Then, circle  all regular verbs. hurt, begin, go, hit, take, be, let

Underline the irregular verbs that don't change form. "essa ta facil né"

Draw a square around the irregular  verbs that change completely in the past participle. begin, go, take, be

Respondido por anaclaudialara

Vendo os verbs abaixo, temos:

Past Simple:

  • danced
  • hurt
  • began
  • went
  • decided
  • hit
  • took
  • was/were
  • let
  • studied

Past Participle:

  • danced
  • hurt
  • begun
  • gone
  • decided
  • hit
  • taken
  • been
  • let
  • studied

Verbos regulares:

  • dance
  • decide
  • study

Verbos irregulares que não mudam a forma:

  • hurt
  • hit
  • let

Verbos regulares, irregulares, simple past e past participle

Verbos regulares são aqueles que não mudam a forma no presente. Ex.:

  • I dance
  • You dance
  • We dance
  • She dances
  • They dance

Obs.: perceba que ocorre apenas uma pequena mudança no verbo quando conjugado na terceira pessoa do singular (She, He, It), o acréscimo do "s".

Essa regularidade permanece nos outros tempos verbais. No passado simples, basta acrescentar "d", "ed" ou "ied" (dependendo da terminação) nas frases afirmativas. A raiz do verbo (o início) fica igual, mudando apenas o final. Ex.:

  • I studied;
  • He studied;
  • We studied;
  • They studied.

Nos verbos irregulares, sua forma é muito alterada. Ex.:

  • Verbo to be: be => am, are (presente); was/were (passado);

O particípio passado, nos verbos regulares, fica igual aos verbos no Simple Past. Já nos verbos irregulares, alguns mudam a forma, enquanto outros não. Ex.:

  • was/were (Simple past) => been (past participle) => mudou a forma.
  • let (Simple Past) => let (past participle) => não mudou a forma.

Para saber mais sobre past participle, acesse:

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