Substitua os espaços pela oração que se encontram no quadro. A)If you go to the beach, you will B)IF THEY TAKE A TAKI C)IF HE STUDENTS D)if it rains tomorrow. E)i will finish the report F)SHE WILL BEARN A LOT G)i will give you a kiss H)the teacher will be sad QUADRO) They will arrive.early/he will pass the test/you will swin in the ocean/we'll stay at home/if she reads that book/if work until late/if the students make many mistakes/if you wash the dishes
ensinem como resolver tbm
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a. If you go to the beach, you will swim in the ocean.
b. If they take a taxi, they will arrive early.
c. If he studies, he will pass the test.
d. If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.
e. I will finish the report if I work until late.
f. She will learn a lot if she reads that book.
g. I will give you a kiss if you wash the dishes.
h. The teacher will be sad if the students make any mistakes.
O quadro diz o que acontece depois de cada ação. Por exemplo a letra B: Se eles pegarem um táxi, eles chegarão cedo. É a consequência da escolha deles. Espero ter ajudado!
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