Inglês, perguntado por francinetemoreira321, 8 meses atrás

Substitua o sujeito da frase pelo pronome sujeito adequado

1."Mandy an I"are in the classroom

2."My friends" are in the garden

3."My mum" is in the kitchen

4."Peter" is from América

5."My dad" is at work

6."Peter and Jane" are my friends

7."The houses" are very beautiful

8."The table" is heavy

9."Mrs Smith" is at work

10."Her bag" is under the table

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por caiocruzsantos2003


Mandy and I - we

My friends - they

My mum - she

Peter - he

My dad - he

Peter and Jane - they

The houses - they

The table - it

Bons estudos, espero ter ajudado.


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