Inglês, perguntado por gustavoapere, 8 meses atrás

Substitua o nome pelo pronome correspondente.

Church ________________________________
his dogs ________________________________
my mother ________________________________
Your brother and I ________________________________
Paul, clare, and you ________________________________
Our pens ________________________________
The baby ________________________________
Mary ________________________________
John ________________________________
Our sister ________________________________
The International Bank ________________________________
Their car ________________________________
Boyfriend ________________________________
My classmates and I ________________________________
Children ________________________________
The teacher ________________________________
Rex ________________________________
Books ________________________________
Rain ________________________________
My parents and you ________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitoriavivirb

Church - it

his dogs - they

my mother - she

Your brother and I - we

Paul, clare, and you - you

Our pens - they

The baby - it

Mary - she

John - he

Our sister - she

The International Bank - it

Their car - it

Boyfriend - he

My classmates and I - we

Children - they

The teacher - it

Rex - it

Books - they

Rain - it

My parents and you - you

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