Inglês, perguntado por fabriciowanderp56tal, 8 meses atrás

Sublinhe os verbos que estão no Simple Present.

Every day, John gets up at half past seven and he has breakfast. He has milk, cookies and an apple for breakfast. Then he brushes his teeth and gets dressed. Later, he goes to school by car. He has lunch at school at quarter past twelve. He finishes school at quarter to two. On Monday and Thursday, he has English classes. In the afternoon, he does his homework at home and watches TV. In the evening, he has a shower and reads a book. He also plays with his brothers. Then, he has dinner with his family at ten o'clock. Later, John watches a movie with his sister.
Anne. Finally, he goes to bed at eleven o'clock,

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por helenasaioteavelar


gets up, has, has, brushes, gets dressed, goes, has, finishes, has, does, watches, has, reads, plays, has, watches, goes


Present Simple: usado para descrever horários, rotinas e coisas que fazemos durante o dia/semana/mês/ano/etc.

Present Continuous : usado para descrever coisas que estamos a fazer no momento

Respondido por cryshellen95


Sinple present.

Todas as palavras estão escritas no presente simples.

fabriciowanderp56tal: hã? chapei
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