Inglês, perguntado por lucianocobp7puv6, 1 mês atrás


Complete the sentences with the right word and choose the correct option: (I ) We _______done what you said, but it didn't work. (II ) Gerry_______seen that movie many times. (III ) Nobody_______ever climbed that mountain. (IV ) ______you ever seen a flying saucer? (V ) Everybody in our group______ been to Paris at least once.

have; has; has; Have; has.

have; has; has; Have; have.

has; have; have; Has; has.

have; have; have; Have; have.

Soluções para a tarefa

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have; has; has; Have; has.


We have

Gerry has

Nobody has

Have you?

Everybody has

lucianocobp7puv6: Gratidão
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