Inglês, perguntado por evellynalvessa2102, 8 meses atrás


1 – Fill in the blanks bellow to complete the sentences:/ Preencha os espaços em branco para
completar as frases:
Example: Summer/ winter/hot – Summer is hotter than winter
a) Weekends/ weekdays/ good
b) cats/ lions/ small
c) My uncle/ my aunt/ funny
d) The sun/ the moon/ far
e) Tiger/ giraffes/ dangerous
2- Complete these five sentences to score your knowledge about COMPARATIVE grammar/
Complete estas cinco frases para obter seu conhecimento sobre COMPARATIVOS
a) David is 185 cm tal. He is ________Andrew
b- biggest
c- bigger than
b) In my opionio, this pink dress is _______that green dress.
a- Prettyer than
b- Prettier than
c- More pretty
c) Do you think Math and Science ________________History and English.
a- More worse
b- Badder
c- Worse
d) Patrick thinks that cholocate cake ______________banana cake.
a- Is more delicious than
b- Delicious than
c- More delicious
e) Reading a book with a nice, hot cup of tea _____________than doing exercise.
a- Is the most relaxing
b- Is more relaxing
c- More relaxing
3- Aswer these 5 questions to score your vocabulary knowledge
a) Where can you probably find “bottons”?
a- On a hat
b- On a shirt
c- On a bracelete
d- On shoes
b) Which of the following is NOT a kind of clothing?
a- Perfume
b- A coat
c- Gloves
d- Jeans
c) Which of the following can you wear on your feet?
a- a blouse
b- A bow tie
c- slippers
d- A scarf
d) On wich parto f the body do people usually wear “make-up”?
a- Their hands
b- Their face
c- Their neck
d- Their feet
e) One which of the following can you most problably find a “zíper”?
a- A bracelet
b- A jacket
c- Running shoes
d- sunglasses
Observações: Na primeira você terá que formar frases e na segunda e terceira é uma opção
para cada questão.
Boa sorte ou melhor...Good studies because whoever studies doesn’t need luck

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rcezare



a) Weekends are best than weekdays.

b) Cats are small er than lions.

c) My uncle is funnier than my aunt/ funny.

d) The sun is farther than the moon.

e) Tiger is most dangerous than giraffes.


a) David is 185 cm tal. He is bigger than Andrew.

c- bigger than

b) In my opionion, this pink dress is prettier than  that green dress.

b- prettier than

c) Do you think Math and Science worse  than History and English.

c- worse

d) Patrick thinks that cholocate cake is more delicious than  banana cake.

a- is more delicious than

e) Reading a book with a nice, hot cup of tea is more relaxing  than doing exercise.

b- is more relaxing

3- Aswer these 5 questions to score your vocabulary knowledge

a) Where can you probably find “bottons”?

b- On a shirt

b) Which of the following is NOT a kind of clothing?

a- Perfume

c) Which of the following can you wear on your feet?

c- slippers

d) On wich part of the body do people usually wear “make-up”?

b- Their face

e) One which of the following can you most problably find a “zíper”?

b- A jacket


Comparativos (comparatives)


Para adjetivos curtos (de uma sílaba), usa-se a seguinte fórmula:

Adjetivo + ER + THAN


My dog and cat are bigger than yours. (Meu cachorro e gato são maiores que os seus)

Her work environment is nicer than ours. (O local de trabalho dela é mais agradável que o nosso)

History and Geography are funnier than biology and chemistry. (História e geografia são mais divertidos que biologia e química)

Para adjetivos de duas sílabas, utiliza-se a adição –er. Em palavras terminadas em –y, pode-se substituir por –ier e em seguida adicionar than.


That test was easier than I thought. (A prova foi mais fácil que eu pensei)

He was busier than usual at his work today. (Ele estava mais ocupado que o costume no trabalho hoje)

Peter was happier than his brother when his family decided to move. (Peter estava mais feliz que seu irmão quando sua família decidiu se mudar)


Para indicar uma relação de inferioridade, usa-se a fórmula:

LESS + adjetivo + THAN


Our son is less studious than our three daughters. (Nosso filho é menos estudioso que nossas três filhas)

My boss is less competent than most of my co-workers. (Meu chefe é menos competente que a maioria dos meus colegas de trabalho)

Is São Paulo less hot than Rio de Janeiro? (São Paulo é menos quente que o Rio de Janeiro?)


Em inglês, para compararmos igualitariamente duas coisas ou pessoas, usamos a fórmula:

AS + adjetivo + AS


Our first apartment was as comfortable as his. (Nosso primeiro apartamento era tão confortável quanto o dele)

My sister speaks as fast as our father. (Minha irmã fala tão rápido quanto nosso pai)

Brazil is as charming as any country in the world. (O Brasil é tão encantador quanto qualquer país do mundo)

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