Inglês, perguntado por bestalevi42, 5 meses atrás

Sobre o uso do verbo TO BE, identifique a oração que foi escrita CORRETAMENTE: *
Marcos are tired.
My parentes is very old.
The student is very intelligent

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Verb ''to be''

a.  Marcos are tired.          >>> correto é ''Marcos is tired''

b.  My parents is very old. >>> correto é ''My parents are very old''

c.  The student is very intelligent. ✅  

→→ Verbo ''to be'' >>> significa ser/estar

I           am a teacher.

You     are here.

He       is a soccer player.

She     is an actress.

It          is a plane.

We      are friends.

You     are engineers.

They    are English teachers.

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